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unofficially, this is what I want this to be

Updated: Jan 2, 2022

I want to distance myself from Instagram. I must note that I love what instagram has done for me. Instagram has allowed me to share my words, my art, my photos; reconnected me with old friends and my family; introduced me to new friends, new artists and their work; and gave me a resource for seeing new places, businesses, and art.

But I currently find myself relying on it more than I ever wanted to.

I want to share my words, my work, but in a way that is genuine to me. I'm relatively shy and quiet, but it doesn't mean that I don't have opinions and feelings to share. I want to connect, but I find myself increasingly discouraged to on the platform. I also find myself consuming too much of it. I also find myself comparing myself to others and sometimes I even find myself angry and a little sad. That's on me, I know. But, I want to focus my energy differently. I want to channel my energy into a new creative platform that I can control.

Ta da. So. Unofficially, I want this blog to become a space where I can share my story in my own way.

  • I want to share my creative process.

  • I want to show my works in progress.

  • I want to share my photos, whether it be an iPhone photo or a scan of an instant from my polaroid or instax.

  • I want to share my writing.

  • I want to share my art supplies.

  • I want to share the books I read.

  • I want to share moments I am grateful for.

  • I want to share my own vulnerabilities because I think there's beauty in that.

  • I want to share moments of revelation or my own progress.

I'm not sure how I will follow through with this. I would like to see what that looks like.

I might keep my instagram accounts, but radically distance myself from them so that I can see what effects that have on my mental health.

Maybe I will start a mailing list. To be honest, I am scared that no one will read it or care. That's a real possibility. But, we'll see.


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